Dogsled, snowshoe hike, nordic skiing, ice fishing, snowmobile, meet reindeers and moose, northern lights hunt. Live those activities in small group to fully enjoy a special moment
For information all prices mentioned below are in swedish krown (kr). For info : 1000 kr are about 84€. Change moving constantly click here to get exact conversion.

Do you know a better activity as exotic than running a dog team in Swedish’s boreal forest ? Dog sledding excursion in Lapland are an essential and unbelievable experience.
Price / Time :
2000 kr / adult – half day
1300 kr / child (4/9ans) – half day
3700 kr / adult – full day

Go and explore untouch landscape with snowshoes. Perfect to go deep out of trails, our guides will adapt the trip to show you the nearby wonders.
Price / time :
750 kr / adult – half day
350 kr / child – half day
1600 kr / adult – full day

Nordic ski
With nordic ski you can travel through peaceful landscape, in the heart of the forest or on the frozen lake. The perfect way of travel to blend into the Lapland’s background.
Price / time :
750 kr / adult – half day
350 kr / child – half day
1600 kr / adult – full day

Northern Lights tour
Located few kilometers from Polar Arctic Circle, Blueberry Lodge is a perfect place to watch northern lights. Choose a trip with our guides to know a bit more about lady Aurora.
Price / Time :
From 750 kr / person – 2h (with ski or snowshoes)
From 900 kr / person – 2h (with sled behind snowmobil)

Meet Reindeers
Visit the reindeers and meet the Sami owner around a Fika. A moment full of sweetness and authenticity to liveduring your stay. Reindeers and Lapland are inseparables.
Price / Time :
800 kr / adult – 1h30
400 kr / child (4/12 years) – 1h30

Come and relax in our sauna and nordic bath. Live the true swedish wellness experience. Enjoy a beautiful view on nature. Only on booking, private access (fika included).
Price / Time :
1600 kr – 2h

We guide you to the fishing spot, which can be on the lake or the frozen river. You will drill your own hole in the ice and try to catch your fish. We will stay around a hour and enjoy a warm drink.
Price / Time :
500 kr / adult – 2h
300 kr / child (4/12 years) – 1h30
Possibility to combine this activity with snowshoe, ski or snowmobile trip.

Moose farm
Meet the forest’s king. With a weight which can reach 475 kg and a size of 230 cm at the withers, we easily understand its nickname ; the world’s oldest deer family as moose is a prehistoric animal !
Price / Time :
400 kr / adult
250 kr / child

Go deeper in Lapland’s nature, traveling through forests, frozen rivers and lakes. About 2 hours of driving for half day trip and enjoy a warm drink in the middle of stunning landscapes.
Price / Time :
1100 kr / adult – pour 1/2 journée
950 kr / child (4/9ans) – half day
2450 kr / adult – 1 journée

Sledding for children with our family dogs, our wolves!
Your child will have the opportunity to come to the enclosure to meet the pack and equip his or her sliding companion(s). We will all go down to the lake together to then leave for a loop on this frozen lake. Your child will be at the helm of the sled alone while a dog will pull the sled. We ensure his safety and speed by following him on skis thanks to a tow line attached to the back of the sled. Upon arrival, we will all go back up to the Lodge together, to remove the harnesses, pet and give treats to the dogs. Not forgetting the souvenir photo on the sled with the dogs in front of the Blueberry Lodge sign.
*Our dogs are affectionate, used to the presence of children and to sliding sports with the little ones.
Tarif :
600 kr / child
Cold weather clothing for Lapland
Adult extreme cold equipment
In order to allow you to fully enjoy your activities in the GREAT cold of the North, we offer you to rent Extreme Cold equipment for Adults including: Parka, pants, Mittens, chapka and Extreme Cold shoes.
Price: 2000kr/adult for the week
Extreme Cold Children’s Equipment
This full suit, mittens, chapka and Extreme Cold shoes set will allow your child to safely get through the polar cold and make the most of the joy of playing in the snow in negative temperatures.
Price: 1000kr/child for the week

A family Journey
Travel with your children in Lapland
Blueberry Lodge, a paradise for young and grown up. We are living here with young kids for few years now and we want you to discover the Lapland’s happiness with your children, even the small ones. We know how to advice you how to wear your little one to have a wonderful time in family and created good memories. Our accommodation are perfectly adapted for family holidays. You will find spacy chalet and needed intimity for wonderful family vacations. Main of the activities we are offering can be adapted to you can join with your children ! contact us for more information and organize your family trip in Lapland.
We will advice you different spots to visit during your stay. Here are some ideas.